Belinda - Allan Gray

Belinda Carbutt

Belinda joined Allan Gray as a business development manager in 2011 and is currently a specialist in the Group Savings and Investments team. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of South Africa, an Honours degree in Finance from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and a Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning from the University of the Free State.

Articles by Belinda Carbutt

Insights categories - Retirement

The default choice: Navigating investment options in retirement funds

By Belinda Carbutt on 12 Feb 2025

Reading time: 8 mins

As 2025 brings fresh beginnings, many people take stock in the first month or two, committing to resolutions and reassessing lifestyle goals. From a financia...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The Olympics of investing: Striving for gold

By Belinda Carbutt on 25 Jul 2024

Reading time: 4 mins

With the highly anticipated 2024 Olympic Games in Paris on the horizon, all eyes are on the dedicated athletes who have spent their lives chasing gold. Their...

Insights categories - Retirement

Your next important election

By Belinda Carbutt on 22 Jul 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

With the two-pot retirement system signed into law, and set to be implemented on 1 September 2024, Belinda Carbutt discusses the latest retirement reform. Sh...

Insights categories - Personal investing

What can we learn from the Springboks when it comes to setting financial goals?

By Belinda Carbutt on 08 Nov 2019

Reading time: 5 mins

Rassie Erasmus took over as Springbok coach with 618 days to the Rugby World Cup. At the time the state of Springbok rugby was dire, with the team having los...

Insights categories - Retirement

The ultimate human race

By Belinda Carbutt on 31 May 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

As investors there is a lot we can learn from marathon runners that can assist us with our own “ultimate human race” – the challenge of retiring financially...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to prevent a financial day zero

By Belinda Carbutt on 12 Nov 2018

Reading time: 6 mins

Over the past year, Western Cape residents have had to envisage a future without running water and adapt their lifestyles accordingly. They have rallied...

Insights categories - Retirement

Empower your staff with a Group RA

By Belinda Carbutt on 15 Dec 2015

Reading time: 5 mins

Employers who illustrate to their staff that they care about their futures by providing them with retirement savings solution, along with investor education,...


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