Chris du Toit

Chris was employed at Allan Gray from 2004 to 2012 and was a member of the Institutional Client Service team. He is a qualified actuary.

Articles by Chris du Toit

Insights categories - Offshore investing

High correlations present challenges

By Seema Dala and Chris du Toit on 31 Mar 2012

Reading time: 8 mins

Actively managed funds, including the Orbis Global Equity Fund, have struggled to outperform the market over the past year. Actively managed funds are able t...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The offshore conundrum

By Chris du Toit on 31 Mar 2011

Reading time: 6 mins

A question often asked of us is: 'How much should I invest offshore?' This question has a different answer for each person. Another, perhaps more important,...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

When is bad news good news?

By Chris du Toit and Tamryn Lamb on 30 Sep 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

As contrarian investors we are always on the lookout for shares that we can buy at a significantly lower price than we believe they are worth. Thus, with ban...

Insights categories - Investment insights

The role dividends play in generating returns

By Chris du Toit on 31 Mar 2010

Reading time: 6 mins

In the previous edition of the Quarterly Commentary, Richard Carter and Roenica Botha demonstrated the importance of reinvesting income distributions from un...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The benefits and pitfalls of foreign diversification

By Chris du Toit on 30 Sep 2009

Reading time: 8 mins

Most South African investors looking to diversify will choose to include offshore assets in their portfolio. The trick is to select the right combination of...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The benefits and pitfalls of foreign diversification

By Chris du Toit on 30 Sep 2009

Reading time: 8 mins

Most South African investors looking to diversify will choose to include offshore assets in their portfolio. The trick is to select the right combination of...


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