Articles by Matthew Spencer
Solving the diversification dilemma
"Don’t put all your eggs in one basket" is a phrase familiar to many of us, and when it comes to investing and minimising risk, it is quite a sensible...
Solving the diversification dilemma
"Don’t put all your eggs in one basket" is a phrase familiar to many of us, and when it comes to investing and minimising risk, it is quite a sensible...
Orbis Global Equity: Navigating risk and reward
At a recent investment update via Zoom webinar, Matthew Spencer and Stanley Lu, from our offshore partner, Orbis, reviewed the Orbis Global Equity Fund’s...
Orbis Global Equity: Navigating risk and reward
At a recent investment update via Zoom webinar, Matthew Spencer and Stanley Lu, from our offshore partner, Orbis, reviewed the Orbis Global Equity Fund’s...
Orbis: Resilience and enthusiasm at a time of uncertainty
In a presentation to advisers and clients via Zoom webinar, Matthew Spencer, from our offshore partner Orbis, discusses the disappointing recent performance ...
Orbis: Perspectives on the portfolio
Matthew Spencer, from our Offshore partner Orbis, explains what has driven Orbis’ recent performance, while also sharing some research about performance tren...
Why the classic 60/40 is dangerous
Sixty percent equities and forty percent bonds has become such a standard for “moderate risk” that any other allocation raises eyebrows...
How to pick offshore investments for long-term wealth creation
Living in South Africa, or even as a South African living abroad, it’s easy to become completely sucked into the news about our country...