Understanding your investment options in the Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund

The Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund offers two trustee-approved default investment strategies:

  • Allan Gray default investment strategy
  • Multi-manager default investment strategy

Your employer has chosen one of these options for you and your contributions will automatically be invested into this default investment strategy. You can opt out of their chosen strategy if you want to. You must then choose from one of the options described below.

Appropriate investments for your stage of life

The default investment strategies are designed to automatically transition your retirement savings into portfolios that are appropriate for the number of years you have until you reach retirement (your investment horizon).

Life-staging asset allocation - Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund

Younger members, who have a longer savings time horizon, are invested in portfolios with greater exposure to growth assets, which will provide the best opportunity for their assets to grow over the long term, and have ample time to recover if there is downturn.

Members who are closer to retirement are invested in lower-risk portfolios to reduce the risk of permanently losing money.

The table explains this process in more detail. No action is required from you to benefit from this approach.

Detailed description of life-staging - Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund

Choice at no additional cost

You can opt out of your employer’s chosen default investment strategy if you want to. You must then choose from one of the options described below.

You can also opt out of life-staging, by completing and returning the Umbrella Retirement Fund member information update form, if you do not want your retirement savings automatically transitioned from one portfolio to another in the three years preceding retirement.

You can opt back into the default investment strategy and life-staging at any point in time.

Please refer to the latest Member information booklet  for more detailed information.

Options available to you

The portfolios included are the Allan Gray Balanced Portfolio and the Allan Gray Stable Portfolio.

Suitable if you:

  • Want to invest with Allan Gray only
  • Want to be invested in a trustee-approved default investment strategy
  • Want the option of investing in a strategy designed to automatically transition your retirement savings into portfolios that are appropriate for your investment horizon to retirement, with the retirement age being determined by your employer

The portfolios included are the Multi-Manager Moderate Portfolio and the Multi-Manager Cautious Portfolio.

Suitable if you:

  • Want to invest with Allan Gray and third-party managers
  • Want to be invested in a trustee-approved default investment strategy
  • Want the option of investing in a strategy designed to automatically transition your retirement savings into portfolios that are appropriate for your investment horizon to retirement, with retirement age being determined by your employer


Your employer may choose to create an “employer preferred portfolio”, usually with the help of a consultant or adviser.

Suitable if you:

  • Want to invest in a portfolio your employer has created
  • Prefer not to have your retirement savings automatically transitioned as you approach retirement

The Allan Gray Umbrella Fund portfolio list is carefully curated and only includes managers who have a 10-year or longer track record of strong investment performance. All of the portfolios comply with the retirement fund regulations.

Suitable if you:

  • Want to construct your own portfolio, with the help of an independent financial adviser, if necessary
  • Prefer not to have your retirement savings automatically transitioned into portfolios that are appropriate for your investment horizon to retirement


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