Transactions, forms and documents

We are going paperless

You can use your Allan Gray Online account to safely and securely submit instructions. In our move to go paperless, we will be phasing out various forms in the coming months.

Forms and documents

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction. 

If you are a financial adviser, you can access this form through your Allan Gray Online account.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction. 

If you are a financial adviser, you can access this form through your Allan Gray Online account.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction

If you are a financial adviser, you can access this form through your Allan Gray Online account.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction

If you are a financial adviser, you can access this form through your Allan Gray Online account.

Acting on behalf of the investor

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Allan Gray inter-product withdrawal
Interproduct withdrawal into the Offshore Endowment
Internal transfer instruction
Security cession notice
Unit transfer to the Allan Gray Investment Platform
Joint address declaration

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Namibian collection mandate
Third-party contributor details
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Terms and conditions (Allan Gray Unit Trust)
Terms and conditions (Allan Gray Investment Platform)
Local fund list
Forms and documents
Acting on behalf of the investor

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Additional contribution from a transferring fund

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. There is no downloadable form available for this instruction.


This form cannot be used for a two-pot savings component withdrawal. Withdrawals from a two-pot savings component can only be completed online, using your secure Allan Gray Online account.

Intercomponent transfer
Retirement notification
Request for approval of early retirement

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Government Employees Pension Fund transfer details
SARS simulation request form
Retirement Funds transfer out instruction
Declaration of Non-South African tax residency
Third-party contributor details
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Conditions of membership
Local fund list
Forms and documents

This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account.


This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account.


This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account.


This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account.

Acting on behalf of the investor
Joint address declaration
Third-party contributor details
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Tax-Free Investment unit trust list
Terms and conditions
Forms and documents
Application for trusts
Acting on behalf of the investor
Additional contribution
Withdrawal for trusts

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

SARS simulation request form
Living Annuity transfer out instruction
Opt out of the SARS fixed tax rate instruction
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Terms and conditions
Local fundlist
Forms and documents
Acting on behalf of the investor

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Retirement notification

This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. There is no downloadable form available for this instruction.


This form cannot be used for a two-pot savings component withdrawal. Withdrawals from a two-pot savings component can only be completed online, using your secure Allan Gray Online account.

Intercomponent transfer
Request for approval of early retirement
Government Employees Pension Fund transfer details
SARS simulation request form
Retirement Funds transfer out instruction
Declaration of Non-South African tax residency
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Conditions of membership for the Pension Preservation Fund
Conditions of membership for the Provident Preservation Fund
Local fund list
Forms and documents
Acting on behalf of the investor

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Outright cession
Security cession notice
Joint address declaration
Namibian collection mandate
Third-party contributor details
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Terms and conditions
Local fund list
Forms and documents

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

External unit transfer to the Offshore Endowment
Acting on behalf of the investor
Beneficiary controller details
Controller details for legal entities
Controller details for individuals
Joint address declaration
Preferred fee fund
Single discretionary allowance declaration
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Terms and conditions
Offshore Endowment fund list
How to invest in the Allan Gray Offshore Endowment
Forms and documents
Application for individual investors

Complete this form if you are attending to your own currency conversion or already have foreign currency to invest.

Application for individual investors (Rands)

Complete this form if you are using your R1 million offshore allowance and would like Allan Gray to facilitate the conversion of your rands into the applicable currency of the unit trust(s) you would like to invest in.

Additional contribution

If you are attending to your own currency conversion or already have foreign currency to invest.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Additional contribution for individual investors (Rands)

If you are using your R1 million offshore allowance and would like Allan Gray to facilitate the currency conversion of your rands into the applicable currency of the unit trust(s) you would like to invest in.


This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Acting on behalf of the investor

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Preferred fee unit trust

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Internal transfer instruction
Internal unit transfer to the Offshore Endowment
Interproduct withdrawal into the Offshore Endowment
Security cession notice
Joint address declaration
Single discretionary allowance declaration
Instruction to transfer money to Allan Gray Investment Services
Allan Gray Africa Bond Fund declaration
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Terms and conditions
Offshore fund list
Forms and documents
Account opening package for individual investors
Account opening package for legal entities
Joint mandate
Change of contact details
Online services
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
General information booklet - Orbis funds
General information booklet - SICAV
Orbis Global Equity Fund introductory booklet
Orbis SICAV Emerging Markets Equity Fund introductory booklet
Orbis SICAV Japan Equity Fund introductory booklet
Orbis SICAV Global Balanced Fund introductory booklet
Orbis Optimal SA Fund prospectus
Forms and documents
Application - Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund including Product Disclosure Statement
Application - Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund (Class A) including Product Disclosure Statement
Application - Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund (Class B) including Product Disclosure Statement
Application - Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund including Product Disclosure Statement
Additional Investment
ID form Companies
ID form Individual and Sole Traders
ID form Trust and Trustees
South African financial adviser registration form
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Product Disclosure Statement - Allan Gray Australia Balanced Fund
Product Disclosure Statement - Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund (Class A)
Product Disclosure Statement - Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund (Class B)
Product Disclosure Statement - Allan Gray Australia Stable Fund
Information Booklet (to be read in conjunction with the Funds' Product Disclosure Statement)
Direct debit request service agreement
Getting your document certified
Forms and documents
Member exit instruction
Member transfer instruction

This instruction can only be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. There is no downloadable form available for this instruction.

Umbrella Retirement Fund retirement notification
Intercomponent transfer
Request for approval of early retirement
Employee admission of liability and acknowledgement of debt
Request to withhold member benefit
Portal paypoint and authorised user instruction
Change in scheme details for the Umbrella Retirement Fund
SARS simulation request form

This instruction can be submitted online using your secure Allan Gray Online account. We no longer have a downloadable form available for this instruction.

Member information update
Download these to familiarise yourself with this product
Member information booklet
New joiner information
Employee retirement benefits: Employer duties
Terms and conditions
Approved risk terms and conditions
Portfolio list
Umbrella Retirement Fund responsible investing
Download these to familiarise yourself with our fund lists
Local fund list
Offshore fund list
Offshore Endowment fund list
Tax-Free Investment unit trust list
Umbrella Retirement Fund Investment portfolio list
Forms and documents
Request for a financial services provider (FSP) contract
Addition of financial adviser to existing financial services provider contract
Addition of financial adviser assistant to existing financial services provider contract
Addition of juristic representative to existing financial services provider contract
Change in financial services provider/financial adviser/assistant details
Financial adviser appointment or fee change forms
Financial adviser appointment or fee change
Offshore Endowment financial adviser appointment or fee change
Download these to familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions for a financial services provider
Terms and conditions for a financial services provider
Terms and conditions for a non-residential financial services provider
Forms and documents
Online- account registration
Online - application to submit instructions
Online authorisation - investor
Online authorisation - adviser
Online - investor authorisation for financial adviser to submit instructions online
Joint address declaration
Understanding the death claims process of retirement funds
Death claims for retirement funds
Death Claims - Annexure A
Death Claims - Annexure B
Death Claims - Annexure C
Death Claims - Annexure D
Death Claims - Annexure E
Death Claims – Annexure F
Understanding the death claim process for the Allan Gray Living Annuity
SARS tax simulation request – death benefit due to beneficiaries
Lump sum payments and tax directives
Savings withdrawal benefits and tax directives
Withholding tax annexure
Opt out of the SARS fixed tax rate instruction
Third-party contributor annexure
Select a site

The financial services, products or investments referred to on this website are not available to persons resident in jurisdictions where their availability or distribution would contravene local laws or regulations and the information on this website is not intended for use by these persons. This website is for information only and does not in any way constitute a solicitation or offer by Allan Gray Proprietary Limited or any of its associates or subsidiaries (collectively “Allan Gray”) to buy or sell any financial instruments or to provide any investment advice or service.

By selecting one of the countries below I confirm that I have read and understood the above and that:

(a) I am not a South African citizen; or 
(b) I do not reside in the Republic of South Africa; or 
(c) I am not otherwise a person to whom the communication of the information contained in this website is prohibited by the laws of my home jurisdiction; and 
(d) I am not acting for the benefit of any such persons mentioned in (a),(b) and (c) and 
(e) I confirm that any investment with Allan Gray is based on my own initiative and not due to any offer or solicitation by Allan Gray.