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Paying tribute to Gillian Gray

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Gillian Gray passed away at the end of last year, concluding an extraordinary life and an inspiring husband-and-wife partnership forged over six decades. 

Born on June 10, 1939, in Port Elizabeth, Gill’s journey began humbly but grew into a legacy of profound impact. After completing her studies, she moved to Cape Town, where she met Allan Gray, a newly qualified chartered accountant. A friendly bet set their story in motion – Allan was challenged to win Gill over for a date. And, as they say, the rest is history. They married in 1959, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of partnership, purpose and service. 

Gill was more than just the anchor to Allan’s public endeavours; they shared a mission to create a lasting positive impact, driven by their belief that success must be accompanied by efforts to serve the greater good. This ethos guided a lifetime of thoughtful philanthropy, beginning in the 1970s when Gill and Allan set up charitable trusts to support organisations working on social and economic needs in South Africa. Their efforts culminated in the creation of Allan & Gill Gray Foundation, which they endowed by donating their family’s controlling stakes in the Allan Gray and Orbis groups. The dual-purpose structure of this Foundation ensures that the profits from these asset management businesses are devoted exclusively to philanthropy, reflecting Gill and Allan’s commitment to using business success to contribute to the common good. 

Following the unexpected loss of Allan, Gill stepped into a leadership role at Allan & Gill Gray Foundation with resolve. While she avoided fanfare or publicity, her influence behind the scenes was critical. She upheld a steadfast moral compass and exemplified responsibility and fairness in every aspect of her work and life, staying true to the understated approach she and Allan both embraced. 

Beyond her philanthropic pursuits, Gill embraced a life of diverse interests. She was an accomplished bridge player with a profound love for the people of Africa, qualities that reflected her curiosity, focus, ambition and sense of community. Nothing was more important to her than her family, particularly her children. She was the matriarch of a family united by mutual respect, independence and shared responsibility.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, a fitting milestone and yet another example of Gill and Allan’s enduring impact. By providing scholarships, bursaries, and nourishing seeds of entrepreneurship, the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation has enabled gifted students across Southern Africa, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to cultivate entrepreneurial abilities and leadership qualities. 

Throughout her life, Gill’s considerate gestures illustrated her character, capturing her essence in ways that will be remembered by thousands of people with a smile and sense of genuine warmth. She leaves behind a lasting influence through her family and Allan & Gill Gray Foundation, and by the example she set for all who knew her.

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