Fraud prevention and cybersecurity

Tips to improve your online security

Protecting your personal information is critical to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. Many internet users overlook basic aspects of their online security, leaving their online accounts vulnerable to criminal syndicates. Werner Lunow shares some of the simple things that all investors can do to secure their Allan Gray Online accounts.

Online interactions touch every aspect of our lives – from keeping track of our health and fitness, to managing our finances, purchasing groceries and attending meetings. While the ability to leverage online tools has made our lives more efficient, it has also created new avenues for criminals to prey on unsuspecting victims.

In light of this, at Allan Gray, we are constantly researching the latest fraud trends and cybersecurity threats to ensure that our clients’ online accounts and transactions are secure. But individuals also have a critical role to play: Compromised personal details are the easiest avenue for cybercriminals to gain access to their victims’ accounts. By taking a few simple precautions, you can enhance the security of your online information. 

Access to your device and security upgrades

You should restrict access to any devices that you use to log into your Allan Gray Online account, banking apps and other financial platforms:

Verification and passwords

We strongly recommend that you make use of two-step verification to add an extra layer of security to your account. With this enabled, you will receive a one-time password (OTP) to your mobile number or email address that you will need to enter in addition to your normal password when you log in. If you do not currently have this enabled, we may enable it on your online account without prior notice to help ensure that your account is secure. Password security is paramount:

If you suspect that your email or Allan Gray Online account has been compromised, you should change your password immediately.

Allan Gray website and Allan Gray Online notifications and emails

There are simple ways you can keep safe when transacting with us:

Learn how to avoid phishing scams

Sophisticated scammers often try to impersonate financial services providers in an attempt to get hold of your personal information. You should always be alert when interacting with emails that seem unusual or request you to take any kind of action:

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(a) I am not a South African citizen; or 
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(e) I confirm that any investment with Allan Gray is based on my own initiative and not due to any offer or solicitation by Allan Gray.