Offshore investing - Allan Gray
Offshore investing

Building multi-asset portfolios in an uncertain world

Periods of heightened uncertainty are inevitable when you are investing over the long term. And when it is not clear when or how things might change, multi-asset portfolio construction becomes an increasingly complex task. For some time, our offshore partner, Orbis, has warned that the environment appears to be changing, noting stickier global inflation, a shifting geopolitical landscape and higher risk-free rates. With key national elections across the globe, the transition to green energy and the rise of artificial intelligence increasing the noise, long-term investors must consider a host of additional variables as they pursue meaningful returns. 

In conversation with Orbis portfolio manager Alec Cutler, Nshalati Hlungwane, a manager in our Institutional Clients team, explores the global investment universe and finds out how Orbis is thinking about its multi-asset strategies in the current environment.


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