Insights categories - Personal investing
Personal investing

Get your investment questions answered

The pandemic continues to impact all South Africans and has resulted in many of us having to make difficult decisions about money. Some of us have had to tap into our investments, others have had to rethink how we balance competing present and future needs. Amid all the uncertainty, investing can seem like a daunting task.

During a recent webinar for Allan Gray employees’ family members and friends, client relationship manager Leaveil Des Fountain tackled common personal investment questions with Nomi Bodlani, head of Strategic Markets, and Tino Mtemeri, a manager in the Institutional Clients team. They touched on important investment concepts, explained how the pandemic has impacted markets and shared some practical steps that can be taken to improve long-term outcomes. Watch the 58-minute webinar recording below.

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This webinar was brought to you by the Allan Gray Investment Circle.

The Allan Gray Investment Circle can partner with you to host an interactive conversation around personal finance and investing with your friends or organisation. Request a presentation to find out more.

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