Postal communications unavailable during the national COVID-19 restriction period

Dear Investor

As part of the national restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the South African postal service is closed for operations and we have been unable to post Allan Gray investment information to our clients. All postal communications will be delayed until postal delivery returns back to normal.

If you have an email address, we can send your communications via email

Email communications are more reliable and significantly reduce the time to deliver important investment-related information, including time-sensitive notifications regarding transactions completed on your investment, statements and tax certificates. 

We only have a mobile number on record for you. If you would prefer us to send your communications to an email address, please complete the online form. We will contact you to verify you and update your communications delivery method to email. 

You can view your investment and access your latest quarterly statement via Allan Gray Online

You can view and download your latest quarterly statement and other investment information via Allan Gray Online by visiting the ‘Log in’ section available on If you have not accessed your online account before, select ‘First time user’ to activate your online account.

If you have any questions, please contact your financial adviser, our Client Service Centre on 0860 000 654 or email

Yours sincerely

Faizil Jakoet
Head of Retail Client Services

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