and thrive

10-part business webinar series

With many small to medium-sized businesses under severe threat of closure as a result of the lockdown restrictions, what measures can you adopt to make sure your business survives and thrives during COVID-19 and beyond?

As investment managers witnessing the financial impact of the pandemic on so many businesses, we are focused on providing you with access to informative business content to help guide you through the challenging landscape.

The 10-part interactive Survive and thrive webinar series, brought to you by the Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund, aimed to provide a blueprint of strategies to boost your business’s longevity and agility during this period of uncertainty.

Although the series has come to an end, you can reignite your business potential with video recordings from our series and other business-related webinars and insights.

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Catch up on the entire series content here.

Positioning your business for success

by Saleem Sonday on 20 November 2020

In the final instalment of our 10-part Survive and thrive webinar series, brought to you by the Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund, we unpack strategies for rebuilding the foundations of your business and setting it up for prosperity beyond the COVID-19 pandemi...

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Safeguarding your business brand during uncertainty

by Saleem Sonday on 17 September 2020

In the sixth of 10 webinars in the Survive and thrive series, brought to you by the Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund, we explore what a brand is and how businesses can protect and grow their brands during times of uncertainty and beyond.

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Fight or flight – deciding on the next steps for your business

by Saleem Sonday on 26 June 2020

In the first of 10 webinars in the Survive and thrive series, brought to you by the Allan Gray Umbrella Retirement Fund, you discover what steps to consider taking to help your business prosper in a post COVID-19 world.

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Resilience and reinvention: The business currency for COVID-19

by Saleem Sonday on 06 April 2020

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small and big businesses will undoubtedly linger for months to come. And while the uncertainty is daunting, an opportunity emerges for businesses to rethink the way they operate.

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Access additional information and guides on our resources page to help your business survive and thrive in a post-COVID world.


A survival checklist
for your enterprise

Santa Clara University

The Guidebook

John Sanei

Beyond COVID-19
What will define
the "new normal"

Design thinking for sales
10 key principles

Selling as your customers are changing

Rapelang Rabana

3 ways businesses can find growth opportunities during the crisis

Knowledge @Wharton

Innovation in a crisis:
Why it is more critical than ever

McKinsey & Company
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