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Articles tagged as "Capitec"

Insights categories - Local investing

Lessons from the winners and losers of the last five years

By Siphesihle Zwane on 30 Aug 2023

Listening time: 47 mins

In conversation with investment analyst Siphesihle Zwane, portfolio manager Jacques Plaut and investment analyst Pieter Koornhof discuss some of the notable...

Insights categories - Local investing

Do local banks offer value in an inflationary world?

By Tim Acker on 08 Dec 2022

Listening time: 48 mins

In the current period of high global inflation and slowing economic activity, how will the local banking sector fare? Are there still long-term opportunities...

Insights category - companies

Capitec: The way to build a bank

By Pieter Koornhof on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 16 mins

Capitec has been an incredible South African success story in improving access to affordable banking services, and in delivering value for its investors....

Insights category - companies

Capitec: The way to build a bank

By Pieter Koornhof on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 16 mins

Capitec has been an incredible South African success story in improving access to affordable banking services, and in delivering value for its investors....

Insights categories - Local investing

Do South African banks offer value in a COVID-19 battered world?

By Tim Acker on 09 Jun 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

As South African banks re-evaluate their models to deal with the potential implications of the coronavirus pandemic and take proactive steps to minimise the...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Nigeria: Finding opportunities where others fear to tread

By Andrew Lapping on 31 Mar 2017

Reading time: 11 mins

Wow, that valuation changed quickly! A few years ago investors were very excited about investing in Africa outside of South Africa. People spoke of Africa...


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