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Articles tagged as "ESG"

Insights categories - ESG

Unveiling the layers of executive remuneration in mining companies

By Nicole Hamman on 08 Aug 2024

Reading time: 12 mins

As active managers who seek to understand businesses, we take a keen interest in how companies are governed and the impact they have on society.

Insights categories - ESG

Advocating for shareholder rights since 1973

By Duncan Artus on 31 Jul 2024

Reading time: 8 mins

Operating for five decades is a significant milestone for any business and it has provided us with a meaningful opportunity to reflect on the history of our...

Insights categories - ESG

Navigating valuations and values since 1973

By Raine Adams and Nicole Hamman on 16 Nov 2023

Reading time: 15 mins

ESG analysts Raine Adams and Nicole Hamman describe what responsible investing means to us, and demonstrate how we use a strategy of environmental, social an...

Insights categories - ESG

Can long-term investors afford to invest without considering ESG?

By Nshalati Hlungwane on 12 Jul 2023

Listening time: 50 mins

In conversation with Nshalati Hlungwane, a manager in the Institutional Clients team, ESG analyst Raine Adams and governance analyst Nicole Hamman separate t...

Insights categories - Local investing

Investment update: How to invest in a changing world

By Duncan Artus on 01 Dec 2022

Viewing time: 27 Mins

At Allan Gray we are bottom-up investors, but we want to be on the right side of long-term trends, particularly at secular turning points. During the recent...

Insights categories - Local investing

Investment update: How to invest in a changing world

By Duncan Artus on 01 Dec 2022

Viewing time: 27 Mins

At Allan Gray we are bottom-up investors, but we want to be on the right side of long-term trends, particularly at secular turning points. During the recent...

Insights categories - ESG

Our approach to responsible investing

By Raine Adams on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 7 mins

We are navigating an increasingly complex world in the wake of the pandemic and in the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war. This brings to the forefront the...

Insights categories - ESG

ESG: The fundamentals vs the fads

By Raine Adams on 29 Apr 2022

Reading time: 9 mins

The rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in asset management has resulted in a proliferation of new product offerings,...

Insights categories - ESG

What price are we paying for the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

By Horacia Naidoo-McCarthy on 11 Apr 2022

Reading time: 6 mins

As investors brace themselves for the impact of higher prices on their portfolios, Horacia Naidoo-McCarthy discusses how the prevailing environment may impac...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Q&A: Perspectives and positioning for 2022

By Tim Acker on 17 Feb 2022

Viewing time: 1 min

Amid a rising inflationary environment and ongoing uncertainty, many investors are struggling to take a long-term view. During the recent Allan Gray webinar,...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Key questions that advisers and clients are asking

By Tamryn Lamb on 11 Oct 2021

Reading time: 23 mins

Uncertainty is a fact of life, and ever present in investing. There are times, however, when uncertainty seems to dominate sentiment and news flow – and...

Insights categories - Local investing

Active management: Potential for a comeback in a divided inflationary world

By Duncan Artus on 23 Sep 2021

Viewing time: 7 mins

For most of the 2000s, the developed world has been characterised by disinflation and falling interest rates. This is despite a large increase in leverage, t...

Insights categories - Local investing

Active management: Potential for a comeback in a divided inflationary world

By Duncan Artus on 23 Sep 2021

Viewing time: 7 mins

For most of the 2000s, the developed world has been characterised by disinflation and falling interest rates. This is despite a large increase in leverage, t...

Insights categories - ESG

Carbon pricing: What is it and why does it matter?

By Vuyo Nogantshi on 10 Sep 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit ...

Insights categories - ESG

Net zero: What is it and where are we on the path?

By Vuyo Nogantshi on 13 Aug 2021

Reading time: 8 mins

In light of clear warnings from climate scientists around the potentially catastrophic impact of climate change, a growing number of governments and companie...

Insights categories - ESG

Our latest Stewardship and Business Sustainability Reports

By Raine Adams on 15 Jun 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

Companies have positive and negative environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts and forming a holistic view based on these is far more complicated, a...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Q&A with portfolio managers from Allan Gray and Orbis 2021

By Tamryn Lamb on 26 May 2021

Reading time: 1 min

The global recovery is underway as markets rebound from their March 2020 lows, but the current pandemic is far from over, leaving many investors questioning...

Insights categories - ESG

How to be a responsible investor

By Raine Adams on 19 Apr 2018

Reading time: 7 mins

Responsible investing has become a front-page issue in the last year as companies, investors and asset managers have had to respond to a number of ethical an...

Insights categories - ESG

Actively adding value

By Grant Pitt and Pieter Koornhof on 31 Mar 2016

Reading time: 8 mins

The trend towards passive management – where investment managers track market indices rather than pick individual stocks – has caused some to question the...


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