Articles tagged as "Foreign Exposure"
Looking back at 2011 and preparing for the years ahead
South Africa has thus far been spared the crushing austerity measures affecting Europe. Three important factors have been in our favour so far: a decade of...
Foreign exposure in the Allan Gray Stable Fund
The long-term track record of the Allan Gray Stable Fund shows returns well ahead of its benchmark and satisfactory capital stability. Nevertheless, the Fund...
The Stable Fund completes a decade
The Allan Gray Stable Fund celebrated its 10-year anniversary on 1 July. This is a good time to reflect on how the Fund has performed over its first 10 years...
The Balanced Fund celebrates 10 years
On 1 October 2009 Allan Gray celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the Balanced Fund. Excluding the money market funds, at just over R29bn it is now the...