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Articles tagged as "GDP"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The problem with a 12% yield

By Thalia Petousis on 04 Oct 2023

Reading time: 4 mins

The notion of a government bond trading at a 12% yield can sound very appealing, but it poses several issues.

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The 2023 Budget: A crisis of credibility in the outer years of the forecast

By Thalia Petousis on 13 Feb 2023

Reading time: 5 mins

Thalia Petousis, portfolio manager at Allan Gray, shares her views on the challenges of putting together a credible national budget

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The impact of COVID-19's second wave

By Sandy McGregor on 12 Jan 2021

Reading time: 3 mins

The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted the global recovery following the severe economic contraction experienced during the second quarter ...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Q&A: Understanding the economic context in which we must invest

By Grant Pitt on 27 May 2020

Reading time: 1 min

As investors, we must understand the economic consequences of COVID-19 and the impact on different asset classes. Grant Pitt, joint head of Institutional...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The monetary and fiscal response to the COVID-19 crisis

By Sandy McGregor on 27 May 2020

Reading time: 5 mins

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a massive disruption of global economic activity without peacetime precedent. In a presentation via Zoom webinar, Sandy...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

A downgrade imposes a cost on all South Africans

By Sandy McGregor on 06 Mar 2020

Reading time: 3 mins

Reports showed this week that South Africa slipped into its second recession in two years in the final quarter of 2019. Will Moody’s now be even more incline...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

An age of anxiety

By Sandy McGregor on 22 Oct 2019

Reading time: 3 mins

We are living in an age of anxiety. After decades in which the norm has been optimism, everywhere market participants are extremely nervous about evolving an...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Economic update: A state of stagnation

By Sandy McGregor on 11 Oct 2019

Reading time: 2 mins

Global economic conditions continue to deteriorate but so far, no major economy has entered a recession. Business conditions in Europe and Japan are best...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

South African investors need to fall out of love with equities

By Kevin Lings on 30 Jul 2019

Reading time: 6 mins

South Africa’s equity market capitalisation equates to more than 200% of the country’s GDP, the highest proportion in the world and a level that is simply no...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

SA needs to unlock its 'demographic dividend' by getting the private sector to invest

By Kevin Lings on 18 Jul 2018

Reading time: 5 mins

South Africa needs to stop looking to government spending as the catalyst for economic growth and should instead foster a more conducive environment for...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Facing a fiscal crisis

By Sandy McGregor on 13 Oct 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

The synchronised global economic expansion continues to gain momentum. World trade is growing and increasing demand is putting upward pressure on commodity...

Insights categories - Local investing

If South Africa was a company would you include it in your portfolio?

By Mark Dunley-Owen on 04 Aug 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

Sentiment towards South Africa is poor. It is tempting to believe that excessive bad news is priced into South African assets, which should deliver attractiv...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

SA economy in the doldrums as the rest of the world picks up

By Sandy McGregor on 14 Jul 2017

Reading time: 2 mins

Since January, domestic demand in South Africa has been very weak, the clearest evidence of which has been poor retail sales. The consumer is no longer in a...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

South Africa’s economic outlook deteriorates

By on 18 Apr 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

Since the Northern Hemisphere summer of 2016, there has been a worldwide economic upturn. This is the first period of synchronous global growth since the...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Consumption trends in emerging markets: Opportunities and pitfalls

By Duncan Artus and Tamryn Lamb on 23 Nov 2015

Reading time: 4 mins

Looking to capitalise on the rise of the emerging market consumer? Beware of the potential pitfalls .


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