Articles tagged as "Living Annuity"
Offshore toolkit part 4: Beneficiary payments to foreign bank accounts after death
As mentioned in Part 3 of our Offshore toolkit series, the Currency and Exchanges Manual for Authorised Dealers (“the Manual”) governs payments from South...
Offshore toolkit part 3: The lowdown on living annuity income payments to foreign bank accounts
The rules around the payment of proceeds from South African long-term insurance policies to foreign bank accounts can be confusing. Alix Moreillon, legal...
Q&A: Allan Gray and Orbis investment update
After an eventful year, many investors are feeling uncertain about how to position their portfolios to fare well in 2023. At the recent Allan Gray and Orbis...
Who’s right – personal finance experts or economists?
When it comes to managing your wealth, there’s a yawning gap between what personal finance pundits advocate and what economists believe. Who should you liste...
Get your affairs in order during National Wills Week
It is difficult to confront our mortality, but the fact is that we are all going to die one day and leave our loved ones behind. As a result, it is important...
What happens to your minor children when you die?
While undoubtedly the worst-case scenario to consider, as parents, we need to make sure our children’s needs are accounted for in the tragic event of our...
How SARS has changed tax for annuitants
The South African Revenue Service recently changed the way tax is calculated for living annuitants. Carrie Norden discusses the rationale behind this change...
Should I invest 45% of my portfolio offshore?
In the February 2022 Budget speech, the National Treasury announced significant changes to the framework that governs how much of South African retirement...
Should rules of thumb be used to plan for retirement?
There are several rules of thumb that are referred to in investing. Many of them have become widely accepted standards for determining how much to save for...
Key questions to help you prepare for your retirement
Although we all have different circumstances, our objectives in retirement are often similar. We want the income we receive to be sustainable for life and to...
Understand your total tax liability if you have multiple sources of income
If you have multiple sources of income, you must ensure that the correct tax rate is being applied by your employer and/or annuity provider – or you could be...
Limiting allocations to offshore assets for Allan Gray Living Annuity and Endowment accounts
We are temporarily limiting allocations to offshore assets for Allan Gray Living Annuity and Endowment accounts, effective 14:00 on Friday, 18 December 2020,...
Divorce and your retirement savings
Divorce can be a traumatic and life-altering experience with wide-ranging social and financial implications. Lebona Khabo discusses entitlement when it comes...
How to manage your living annuity in uncertain times
Presenting via Zoom webinar, Shaun Duddy discusses the “Rule Book” for managing your living annuity over the long term and interrogates whether these rules...
Managing your living annuity in an uncertain world
In response to the dramatic impact that measures to contain COVID-19 have had on asset prices, National Treasury has announced temporary changes to living...
Don't let your hard-earned savings go unclaimed
According to reports, more than R17bn lies potentially unclaimed in unit trusts and policies. Tim Molloy explains how you can ensure this doesn’t happen to...
Is there any tax benefit in saving over the annual tax deductible amount towards retirement?
One of the key benefits of investing for retirement using a retirement fund is the generous tax deduction for contributions, subject to a maximum of 27.5% of...
How to make your retirement savings last: Common myths debunked
There are many risks that need to be overcome to ensure that retirement savings last, says Shaun Duddy, including longevity, inflation and investment risk. I...
How to achieve a sustainable retirement income
Shaun Duddy discusses how to meet and manage risks while drawing a stable income in retirement. He explains why investing at least 50% in growth assets is a...
Retirement fund withdrawals and tax
The 2014 National Budget introduced changes to the retirement tax table. From 1 March 2014, the tax-free amount members and beneficiaries can take as a lump...
Make sustainability a priority when planning your retirement income
Over the last 20 years pension funds have increasingly passed the responsibility for generating income after retirement on to retirees and insurers, rather...
Planning for income post retirement
If you are knocking at 60's door and fall into the small minority of South Africans who have saved enough to retire comfortably, you may be planning your...
Living annuities for life
Living annuities need to provide an income stream for life. This means that the asset allocation in your living annuity investment should be aimed both at...
Capital Gains Tax and how it affects unit trust investors
At Allan Gray, we focus on managing your investments. We acknowledge that there are important aspects of investing - such as tax on your investments - that a...