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Articles tagged as "Net1"

Insights categories - ESG

Allan Gray condemns Net1 CEO severance payment

By Andrew Lapping on 31 May 2017

Reading time: 1 min

Allan Gray notes with outrage the financial settlement claimed by Serge Belamant upon his retirement as CEO of Net1.  We are very surprised that Mr Belamant...

Insights category - companies

Net1 announces Serge Belamant’s retirement

By Andrew Lapping on 25 May 2017

Reading time: 1 min

Net1 has announced that Serge Belamant will retire as chief executive officer (CEO) and director of the company at the end of this month and Herman Kotzé,...

Insights categories - ESG

Net1: Do the right thing

By Andrew Lapping on 17 Mar 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

We are very concerned about the situation surrounding Net1 – both the immediate need to ensure that 17 million beneficiaries receive their payments on time a...

Insights categories - ESG

Clarifying our position on Net1

By Rob Dower on 09 Mar 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

There has been a lot of press coverage on Net1, the parent company of the current social grants payment provider Cash Paymaster Services (CPS), much of which...


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