Articles tagged as "Retirement Reform"
2017 Budget speech update
The Minister of Finance announced amendments to tax and other legislation that may affect investors. These changes are discussed in detail below and, unless...
2016 Budget speech update
The Minister of Finance announced amendments to tax and other legislation that may affect investors.
What you need to know about the retirement fund changes
National Treasury is making changes to retirement legislation to encourage investors to save more for their retirement and to improve the alignment between t...
Welcome amendments to retirement reform
The retirement reform amendments contained in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, which will come into effect on 1 March 2016, are a positive step by Treasury ...
More for the future you, less for the tax man
The tides are changing in the retirement savings space, with National Treasury encouraging us to save more for retirement by significantly increasing the tax...
Delays to retirement reform shouldn't mean delays to your retirement savings
In Quarterly Commentary 1, 2013 we wrote about retirement reform, discussing how the changes would affect existing and potential retirement fund members. Fas...