Articles tagged as "Saving"
Save now for your child’s education to avoid future pain
Putting aside money every month to fund your child’s future studies may seem like a huge ask, but it will be worth it in the end, especially in light of...
Unpacking saving and investing
Saving and investing are both important ingredients for building a sound financial foundation, but they are not the same thing. They have different purposes...
The top four mistakes to avoid when saving for education
As parents, we all want the best for our children, and this often includes being able to give them the best education that we can afford. In the journey to...
How not to break the bank this festive season
The end of 2019 is fast approaching and with many looking forward to downtime during the festive season, this shouldn’t mean breaking the bank, according to...
Savings clubs: A great way to invest
Many of us would like to put money aside for saving and investing but struggle to remain committed and disciplined each month. Being part of a savings club i...
Spring is here, it’s time to spring clean your finances
The year is flying by, but don’t let it pass without taking stock of your financial decisions, writes Lettie Mzwinila.
How poker taught me to make better decisions
Psychologist, bestselling author and professional poker player, Maria Konnikova, recently inspired delegates at the Allan Gray Investment Summit 2019 to make...
Can you save more?
Whether you are just doing a regular check up on your long-term investments or evaluating your monthly savings plan, it is a good idea to review your financi...
Retirement planning in reality
To truly break the cycle of poverty and start creating generational wealth, young working professionals need to prioritise saving for retirement. Leaveil Des...
How to get into the habit of saving this Savings Month
If you have tried to kick the sugar habit and eat only healthy food, or give up cigarettes and replace the habit with going to the gym, you can probably atte...
Steps to improve your investment decision making
Deterred by the large number of investment options available, many would-be investors fail to make the most important decision: the decision to start. Becomi...
Steps to improve your investment decision making
Deterred by the large number of investment options available, many would-be investors fail to make the most important decision: the decision to start. Becomi...
Can you live your best life and save for the long term?
Here’s something you don’t often hear about millennials: We are better money savers than our elders, but does that translate into long-term wealth?
The ultimate human race
As investors there is a lot we can learn from marathon runners that can assist us with our own “ultimate human race” – the challenge of retiring financially...
How to approach your finances this festive season
In the hive of festive activity, it’s easy to forget your financial goals and spend more than you planned. Next thing you know, it’s the New Year and the lon...
PART 4: How do I start investing?
The first step is often the most difficult to make, but it does not have to be so with investing. Follow these tips to start off on the right foot...
Are you on track to achieve your 2017 financial goals?
With 2017 in full swing, make sure you stick to your new year’s resolutions when it comes to your personal finances with the below five-point checklist...
When is a debit order the better option?
When you think about starting a new investment there are two ways to approach it: either you invest in one go with a lump sum or you do recurring investments...
Primed for the windfall
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. - Viktor...
Five reasons to invest part of your bonus
It has been a difficult year financially worldwide, with political and economic uncertainty dominating global news headlines. In this context, not every...
Are you a saver or a borrower?
It is difficult to be a fence sitter when it comes to investing and wealth creation. Either you are a saver, and are providing for your needs, both present a...
Are you a saver or a borrower?
It is difficult to be a fence sitter when it comes to investing and wealth creation. Either you are a saver, and are providing for your needs, both present a...
Five tough financial decisions you may have to make… And why they are worth it
Money decisions are never easy and often come down to personal circumstance and choice. If you are lucky enough to get a bonus or a 13 th cheque, should you...
Five tough financial decisions you may have to make… And why they are worth it
Money decisions are never easy and often come down to personal circumstance and choice. If you are lucky enough to get a bonus or a 13 th cheque, should you...
Tales of rice and rewards
We often talk about the value of time in investing, but it is difficult to really get to grips with the rewards that can be reaped through compound growth:...
Life in a month
July has been designated ‘Savings Month’ by the Savings Institute of South Africa. It is a good time to reflect on the choice we make between saving and...
Life in a month
July has been designated ‘Savings Month’ by the Savings Institute of South Africa. It is a good time to reflect on the choice we make between saving and...
Convert part of your tax bill into retirement savings
While the long-term benefit of saving for a secure retirement may be obvious, investors may not appreciate the extra tax boost available from saving in an...
Convert part of your tax bill into retirement savings
While the long-term benefit of saving for a secure retirement may be obvious, investors may not appreciate the extra tax boost available from saving in an...
Tomorrow versus today
Despite all of the economic doom and gloom in our newspapers, South Africans are buying a lot of new cars...
Do you need a financial check-up?
The end of the year is a good time to review your financial well-being and put some new year’s resolutions in place that aim for better saving and spending...
July is Savings month - a good time to reassess your spending decisions
When deciding what to do with disposable income, South Africans spend money far more easily than we save. This is reflected in South Africa’s very low saving...
July is Savings month - a good time to reassess your spending decisions
When deciding what to do with disposable income, South Africans spend money far more easily than we save. This is reflected in South Africa’s very low saving...