Articles tagged as "Tax-free investment"
The three essentials of estate planning
Dying without having a valid will in place is a sure recipe for family conflict. Yet, according to statistics from the High Court, 85% of South Africans don'...
Could you survive on less than a third of your income in retirement?
Despite taking steps to save, millions of South Africans are at risk of having to make significant lifestyle-related downgrades when they are no longer...
Tap into tax benefits this February
The end of the tax year in February presents an opportunity to evaluate the tax efficiency of your financial plan. With many competing financial priorities i...
Retirement annuities still work
Planning well for retirement is essential to ensure your long-term financial well-being. One key aspect of retirement planning is choosing the product, or...
Tax tips as we head into the 2023 tax season
The end of February sees the tax year draw to a close – an opportune time to ensure that your tax affairs, and tax details, are up to date, and to consider...
Get your affairs in order during National Wills Week
It is difficult to confront our mortality, but the fact is that we are all going to die one day and leave our loved ones behind. As a result, it is important...
How not to be a ‘financial nihilist’
According to an article recently published in The New York Times, there is a new phenomenon gaining momentum: Disillusioned by the current state of the...
How to maximise tax benefits before the end of February
In the spirit of tax season, Carla Rossouw, tax lead at Allan Gray, discusses how investors can make their money work harder using tax breaks. This is always...
Save now for your child’s education to avoid future pain
Putting aside money every month to fund your child’s future studies may seem like a huge ask, but it will be worth it in the end, especially in light of...
Personal finance lessons from Squid Game
Netflix’s smash hit show Squid Game may not be for everyone due to its shock factor and gruesome violence, but it is a relatable story that hits close to hom...
Don’t let December derail your long-term plans
As we approach the proverbial finish line after a long year, most of us are looking forward to a well-deserved break. However, as we focus on making memories...
Unpacking saving and investing
Saving and investing are both important ingredients for building a sound financial foundation, but they are not the same thing. They have different purposes...
Get your investment questions answered
The pandemic continues to impact all South Africans and has resulted in many of us having to make difficult decisions about money. Some of us have had to tap...
Savings Month: The first step is critical, the next steps make the difference
Making your first contribution into a unit trust, be it a lump sum or monthly debit order, is a commendable first step on your investment journey, but there...
Making the most of personal tax incentives
After spending decades nurturing their careers, most people hope to enjoy the fruits of their labour in the form of a sustainable income in retirement. Makin...
Make the most of your tax benefits
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has put several tax incentives in place to encourage us to save more for our retirement and other long-term goals. Y...
How to save for retirement when you work for yourself
Driven by the desire for greater flexibility, and improvements in technology, many skilled workers are turning to the gig economy to earn a living. Working...
PART 3: What are the best investment options for education savings?
With the cost of education soaring, relying purely on your salary to finance your children’s education is becoming increasingly difficult. Consider saving fo...
CASE STUDY 1: Investing to pay school fees upfront for the year
A Johannesburg mother saves on fees by taking advantage of the discount offered by some schools to settle the year’s fees in full at the beginning of the yea...
CASE STUDY 1: Investing to pay school fees upfront for the year
A Johannesburg mother saves on fees by taking advantage of the discount offered by some schools to settle the year’s fees in full at the beginning of the yea...
Planning for retirement in the gig economy
Millennials are revolutionising the way we work as they embrace the flexibility and independence of the gig economy, but what does this mean for their...
How you can influence your investment outcomes
After an undeniably tough 2018, the local market staged a turnaround during the first quarter. But the atmosphere in the country is blowing hot and cold: As...
How to prevent a financial day zero
Over the past year, Western Cape residents have had to envisage a future without running water and adapt their lifestyles accordingly. They have rallied...