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Articles tagged as "Two-pot system"

Insights categories - Retirement

Resisting the lure of the two-pot cookie jar this festive season

By Richard Carter on 17 Dec 2024

Reading time: 4 mins

With the festive season underway, consumers may be considering using their two-pot retirement savings component to splurge.

Insights categories - Local investing

50 years of investing in an evolving ecosystem

By Tamryn Lamb on 16 Nov 2023

Reading time: 14 mins

The asset management industry plays a key role in society, channelling capital from savers to where it is needed in the real economy, and in so doing, creati...

Insights categories - Local investing

50 years of investing in an evolving ecosystem

By Tamryn Lamb on 16 Nov 2023

Reading time: 14 mins

The asset management industry plays a key role in society, channelling capital from savers to where it is needed in the real economy, and in so doing, creati...

Insights categories - Retirement

Podcast: Are better outcomes for retirement savers on the horizon?

By Mica Townsend on 26 Oct 2022

Listening time: 36 mins

Allan Gray’s head of Assurance, Richard Carter, joins Umbrella Fund specialist Mica Townsend to discuss the challenges with the current system, the...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Contextualising retirement reforms in South Africa

By Jaya Leibowitz on 10 Mar 2022

Viewing time: 1 min

National Treasury has proposed retirement reforms aimed at enabling retirement savers to better balance short- and long-term needs and boosting the governanc...


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