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Articles tagged as "Unit Trusts"

Insights categories - Personal investing

Offshore toolkit part 4: Beneficiary payments to foreign bank accounts after death

By Alix Moreillon on 20 Oct 2023

Reading time: 8 mins

As mentioned in Part 3 of our Offshore toolkit series, the Currency and Exchanges Manual for Authorised Dealers (“the Manual”) governs payments from South...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Get your affairs in order during National Wills Week

By Jaya Leibowitz on 09 Sep 2022

Reading time: 12 mins

It is difficult to confront our mortality, but the fact is that we are all going to die one day and leave our loved ones behind. As a result, it is important...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Saving in a rising interest rate environment

By Cedrick Pila on 22 Jun 2022

Reading time: 3 mins

With interest rates and inflation on the rise, Cedrick Pila, regional manager, discusses how investors can achieve real returns and protect their savings and...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Savings clubs: A tool to build wealth

By Tinashe Kunaka on 26 Oct 2021

Reading time: 5 mins

Each year, over 11 million South Africans use savings clubs and stokvels to save more than R50 billion. The tried-and-tested benefits of saving as part of a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Savings Month: The first step is critical, the next steps make the difference

By Chris Tisdall on 19 Jul 2021

Reading time: 4 mins

Making your first contribution into a unit trust, be it a lump sum or monthly debit order, is a commendable first step on your investment journey, but there...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing unpacked

By Nomi Bodlani on 20 Oct 2020

Viewing time: 1 hr 1 min 8 seconds

In the first of six webinars in the Personal investing 101 series, Gugulethu Mfuphi chats to Allan Gray’s Faizil Jakoet, Chris Tisdall and Nomi Bodlani about...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Building a legacy: Part 1

By Noluyolo Betela on 15 Sep 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

Achieving financial freedom and building a lasting financial legacy is a goal for many South Africans. In the first of a two-part Zoom webinar, hosted by...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Don't let your hard-earned savings go unclaimed

By Tim Molloy on 29 Jul 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

According to reports, more than R17bn lies potentially unclaimed in unit trusts and policies. Tim Molloy explains how you can ensure this doesn’t happen to...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 3: What are the best investment options for education savings?

By Saleem Sonday on 16 Jul 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

With the cost of education soaring, relying purely on your salary to finance your children’s education is becoming increasingly difficult. Consider saving fo...

Insights categories - Retirement

Planning for retirement in the gig economy

By Tamryn Lamb on 21 Jun 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

Millennials are revolutionising the way we work as they embrace the flexibility and independence of the gig economy, but what does this mean for their...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The trouble with switching

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 25 Jan 2019

Reading time: 8 mins

During periods of underperformance, even the most experienced investors get tempted to switch funds in search of better returns. However, switching funds in...

Insights categories - Local investing

The upside of down markets

By Andrew Lapping on 11 Jan 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

2018 was not a good year for investors with price declines in many asset classes. The FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI) fell 8.5% in 2018, or 21% when measured...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to select a unit trust that’s right for you

By Thandi Ngwane on 12 Sep 2018

Viewing time: 1 min

There are over 1 500 unit trusts available in South Africa – what criteria should you apply to select one (or more) that best suits your needs and...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Study reveals reliance on recent performance in picking unit trusts

By Shaheed Mohamed on 09 Mar 2018

Reading time: 3 mins

Shaheed Mohamed surveyed more than 400 financial advisers in South Africa to identify attributes that financial advisers in South Africa consider when...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investment Summit to give an inside view from fund management houses

By Jeanette Marais on 21 Jul 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

Allan Gray is bringing a group of international and local investment houses together to debate investment insights in a new one-day event, aimed at helping...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investment Summit to give an inside view from fund management houses

By Jeanette Marais on 21 Jul 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

Allan Gray is bringing a group of international and local investment houses together to debate investment insights in a new one-day event, aimed at helping...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to protect and grow your Stokvel

By Lettie Mzwinila on 07 Jul 2017

Reading time: 3 mins

Saving is often the last thing on our minds when we have extra money and can seem daunting.  But have you considered investing as part of a group?...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Your minor children and the taxman

By Carla Rossouw on 06 Nov 2015

Reading time: 5 mins

Investing on behalf of your children is a generous act of foresight and, if you can afford to do it, opens up future opportunities for them. Unit trusts are ...

Insights categories - Local investing

Does the size of your unit trust matter?

By Daniel van Andel on 31 Mar 2014

Reading time: 9 mins

Back in September 1998, there were 186 unit trusts available in South Africa. Fast-forward 16 years, and there are now 1 477 registered unit trusts in a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Making sense of unit trust categories and intentions

By Rob Formby on 31 Dec 2012

Reading time: 8 mins

We aim to ensure that our range of funds offers enough choice to meet your needs but remains manageable, without being confusing or creating too much overlap...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing for education

By Wanita Isaacs on 30 Sep 2012

Reading time: 7 mins

As Wanita Isaacs joins the ranks of parents investigating ways to afford the best possible education for their children, she learns that, although long-term...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Use your head not your heart and think long term

By Jeanette Marais on 17 Nov 2011

Reading time: 6 mins

A key step when planning your investment is choosing the right unit trust based on your risk profile and priorities and then staying invested to reap the...

Insights categories - Local investing

Facelift for Allan Gray fund factsheets

By Henk Pieterse on 10 Aug 2011

Reading time: 5 mins

We have redesigned our fund factsheets as the first phase of a review of the fund information we provide in all of our documentation and on our website...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Questions for personal investing

By Rob Formby on 31 Mar 2011

Reading time: 11 mins

Rob Formby suggests five questions you may want to ask regarding your personal investments. Every person's situation is unique, so the list is not exhaustive...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Capital Gains Tax and how it affects unit trust investors

By Rob Formby on 31 Mar 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

At Allan Gray, we focus on managing your investments. We acknowledge that there are important aspects of investing - such as tax on your investments - that a...

Insights categories - Personal investing

The cost of too much choice

By Marisa Kaplan on 30 Sep 2009

Reading time: 7 mins

People are attracted to choice, but that does not mean that having more choice will lead to better decisions, or a better decision-making process. Research h...


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