Keep your family circle and nominee details up to date

The purpose of your retirement savings is to provide you with an income during your retirement. However, it is important to think about how you would want your savings to be allocated in the event that you die before you retire, as your benefit will be shared among those you leave behind.

Who will receive my death benefit?

Each retirement fund has a board of trustees. The trustees are there to protect your best interests. Upon your death, they will consider allocating your death benefit to:

Your dependants

Individuals who are dependent on you or who you support financially, such as a spouse, child or any other person.

Your nominees

Individuals, trusts or legal entities you want the trustees to take into account once your dependants have been considered.

It is important to keep the details of your dependants and nominees updated as they may change over time

Complete and up-to-date information makes the trustee investigation and allocation process easier and faster for your dependants and nominees.

Update your dependant and nominee details via your Allan Gray Online account

Once you have logged in to your account, follow these steps:

  1. Select your retirement fund account
  2. Click on the “Account details” tab and the “Nominee details” button
  3. Add or update your nominee details and submit your changes

Log in to your account

If you haven’t activated your online account, you can do so now

Click on the "Log in" button above, and then select "Activate your account".

If you have any questions or need assistance updating your dependant and nominee details, please contact your financial adviser, call the Allan Gray Client Service Centre on 0860 000 654, or email

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