Apply for a contract with us

We believe in independent financial advice

Most investors benefit from the advice of independent financial advisers in setting and achieving investment objectives. For this reason, we value the relationships that we have built with independent financial advisers.

We are committed to nurturing and developing our relationships with independent financial advisers

We aim to give advisers the support they need to maintain their independence and grow their businesses.

If you would like to meet with our regional team to talk through our onboarding criteria, please complete and submit the Request for a financial services provider (FSP) contract form.

What do I need to register with Allan Gray?

  • Your FSP must be licensed with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) or the equivalent in your jurisdiction.
  • You must be registered as either a Key Individual or Representative of the FSP.
  • You must hold either a Non-discretionary (Category 1) or a Discretionary (Category 2) license for the following license subcategories:
 Licence subcategory  Financial product  Relevant to Allan Gray product
 1.14 or 2.11 Participatory interest in collective investment schemes Discretionary unit trust and offshore
 1.4 or 2.2  Long-term category C Living annuities, endowments and tax-free investments
 1.5 or 2.3  Retail pension benefits Retirement annuities; provident and pension preservation
1.7 or 2.4 Pension funds benefits - excluding retail Umbrella Funds

For further information on licencing, please visit

To help you meet the challenges of managing an advisory practice in a constantly evolving environment, we have established specialised support structures and services. These include online tools, objectively researched third-party service providers, and a bespoke Practice Development Initiative.

Online tools

Once you have received your Allan Gray adviser code, you will be able to monitor and manage your clients’ investments and access our range of adviser support tools, via your secure account.

Financial Planning Plan and analyse various investment scenarios for your clients.
Fund Research Do in-depth fund analysis; compare funds and view performance, fund distributions and allocations, across domestic and offshore funds registered with the FSCA.
Investment Overview Create an easy-to-read, customised pre-investment report for your client. The report includes a summary of your client’s investment, detailed information on their selected unit trusts and product.
Investment Review Use the Investment Review to generate a summary of your client’s investment information and performance figures to assist you when discussing their investments with them.
Form generator Generate prepopulated forms.
Instructions If your client mandate allows, you will be able to submit transactions for your clients.
Submit instructions on behalf of your clients with digital authorisation.
View and track the status of business submitted.
Investment Reports View your assets under management.
Generate detailed client statements and client tax certificates.
Track your clients’ investment performance.
Management Reports Group your clients according to client and account types and manage each group according to its specific needs. Generate adviser fee statements.
Adviser Services Access specifically selected service providers through Allan Gray Adviser Services.


Bulk transfers

If you wish to transfer more than 20 clients to Allan Gray, our ‘bulk transfer’ service offers a convenient and uncomplicated way in which to do this. We will assist you with every aspect of the bulk transfer, making the entire process from start to finish more manageable.

Allan Gray adviser services

Adviser Services provides a meticulously researched and objective list of independent third-party service providers such as practice management, financial planning software, fund research and legal support.

The primary objective of Allan Gray Adviser Services is to help you create a professional and sustainable business, which delivers a more valuable service to your clients. By making efficient use of the various services in this offering you will be able to spend more quality time with your clients, unlock the true value of your practice and ensure its long-term sustainability.

Find out more about the services provided

You may receive both an initial and an annual fee which must be negotiated with and approved by your client.

Where will the fee come from?

The initial fee will be deducted from your client’s original investment amount before the purchase of units. Units will be sold to pay the annual fees.

What are the fee limits?

  • Initial fee: 3% (excluding VAT) except on the Allan Gray Living Annuity which has a maximum of 1.5%.
  • Annual fee: Between 0% and 1% (excluding VAT). Where an initial fee of higher than 1.5% is selected, the maximum annual fee is limited to 0.5% (excluding VAT).

When will we pay you?

Local fees:

  • Initial fees are paid weekly on a Friday. This includes any initial fees earned for instructions finalised on a Monday to Thursday of that week.
  • Annual fees are calculated on the 15th of every month. If this date falls on a Monday or Tuesday fees will be paid on the Friday of the same week. Otherwise fees will be paid on the following Friday. This amount includes all annual fees earned from the 16th to 15th of each month.

Offshore fees:

  • Both initial and annual fees are processed on the 23rd of every month, or the next available business day, and paid on the business day thereafter.
  • Initial fees are calculated for the period 23rd to 22nd of each month. Annual fees are calculated from the first to the last day of the previous month.
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The financial services, products or investments referred to on this website are not available to persons resident in jurisdictions where their availability or distribution would contravene local laws or regulations and the information on this website is not intended for use by these persons. This website is for information only and does not in any way constitute a solicitation or offer by Allan Gray Proprietary Limited or any of its associates or subsidiaries (collectively “Allan Gray”) to buy or sell any financial instruments or to provide any investment advice or service.

By selecting one of the countries below I confirm that I have read and understood the above and that:

(a) I am not a South African citizen; or 
(b) I do not reside in the Republic of South Africa; or 
(c) I am not otherwise a person to whom the communication of the information contained in this website is prohibited by the laws of my home jurisdiction; and 
(d) I am not acting for the benefit of any such persons mentioned in (a),(b) and (c) and 
(e) I confirm that any investment with Allan Gray is based on my own initiative and not due to any offer or solicitation by Allan Gray.